Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Pembantu Rumah Tangga Indonesia di Saudi


Apa khabar ?

Tidak bisa tidak, saya harus menuliskan ini. Pembantu rumah tangga dari Indonesia sangat terkenal disini. Indonesia memang lebih famous mengirim ini ketimbang mengirim tenaga engineer ke Saudi. Ini fact !!! paling tidak saat ini.. Terenyuh hati saya melihat ini. Apa memang harus seperti itu ? apa salah ? apa tidak bisa di rubah ?

Teman saya yang bekerja di salah satu drilling oil service company cerita, dulu awal-awal dia ke Saudi, dia harus menggunakan paspor khusus TKI. Melalui gang khusus TKI dengan segala rimba dan permainannya. Ga ngerti saya maunya orang hebat di Indonesia itu apa ? fact-nya adalah Bapak tidak membantu kami mencarikan kerja !!. Sekarang kami berjuang sendiri mencari kerja di luar!!! Masih juga di bebani peraturan kacau !!!. Syukur sekarang dengan paspor biasa pun dah bisa, gitu kata teman saya.

Coba sekarang Bapak baca berita arab news di bawah ini. Ternyata orang Saudi yang ingin mendapatkan pembantu dari Indonesia harus mengeluarkan biaya hingga SAR 9000 ke agen. Itu katanya buat tiket, visa, recruitment fee dan lain-lain. Padahal dari info yang pernah saya dapat, TKI (baca: pekerja non skill termasuk pembantu) harus membayar paling tidak 13 juta rupiah ke agen di Indonesia untuk bisa bekerja di Saudi. Sudah dari orang Saudi dapat duit, dari si pembantunya dapat duit lagi. Benar-benar bisnis yang "menguntungkan". Lalu kapan si pembantunya bisa dapat bayaran lebih layak ? melihat berita ini, sepertinya orang kecil harus mengurut dada. Apalagi kalau sudah bicara tentang perlindungan. Maka jawaban pemerintah KTKLN hahahaahahah !!! Solusi anak2...!!! TKI jadi objekan lagi...Yang mengeluarkan kebijakan ini "pinter" yah !!! Dengan segala hormat Bapak yang duduk di pemerintah, coba kalau buat kebijakan itu jangan yang menyusahkan rakyat !!! masuk neraka lho Pak, ingat doa orang teraniaya itu makbul..

Source: http://arabnews.com/saudiarabia/article67811.ece

Indonesia promises to help bring down maid recruitment charges


JEDDAH: Indonesian Labor Minister Mohaimin Iskandar promised Saudi Deputy Labor Minister Abdul Wahid Al-Humaid on Thursday that he would take steps to end what has been categorized as exploitative pricing for Indonesian maids by their local recruiters who send them to the Kingdom.

The exchange took place at the 99th Session of the International Labour Conference being held in Geneva.

Al-Humaid asked Iskandar to rein in local recruiters who have exorbitantly raised the charges of hiring Indonesian maids to up to SR7,500 per maid.

Hiring Indonesian maids has traditionally been less costly than hiring maids from other countries. Saudi households who hire maids legally pay up to around SR10,000 for fees, including the cost of the visa, red tape, two months wages in advance, air ticket and the fee charged by the recruiting firm. Saudis consistently complain of maids absconding after a short period of time and of rising recruitment costs.

Meanwhile, members of the foreign manpower recruitment committee at the Jeddah Chamber of Commerce and Industry (JCCI) on Wednesday dismissed any possibility of lowering the cost of recruiting housemaids from Indonesia. The JCCI says a large portion of this cost entails dealing between local recruitment firms and their partners in labor-remitting countries. “What really controls the recruitment costs is the trade dealings between recruitment offices in the two countries,” Yahya Hassan Al-Maqbul, chairman of the committee told Arab News. He said the rise and fall in recruitment charges is often liable to change depending on the transactions between recruiters and the providers of manpower in Indonesia. Time often plays a role in these transactions, he added. He said members of a Saudi labor recruitment committee are currently in Indonesia making efforts to bring down the costs of foreign manpower recruitment.

“The Saudi Embassy in Jakarta is also supporting these efforts,” he added. The chairman hoped that prices of recruitment of housemaids from Indonesia would come down “especially that we are now starting the season of great demand for Indonesian housemaids who are well-trained on housework before they come here.”

Demand for domestic workers peaks during the Ramadan when families host dinners and visitors.

Saeed Ali Hamdan Al-Ghamdi, a member of the committee of the JCCI, said recruitment charges of a housemaid from Indonesia is now between SR7,200 and SR7,500 and added that this year the demand for housemaids from Indonesia had increased by 40 percent.

The Arabic daily Al-Riyadh newspaper Wednesday said the Saudi Embassy in Jakarta was making strenuous efforts to bring down the cost of recruitment of Indonesian housemaids by at least 30 percent.

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